Viewed 140 times
Com mais de 50 mudanças desde a versão 0.39.1 "Fanti" o Noosfero 0.40.0 "Fulani" foi disponibilizado trazendo muitas correções e novidades para a plataforma livre de redes sociais e de economia solidária desenvolvida pela Cooperativa de Tecnologias Livres Colivre. As mudanças incluem melhorias nas traduções, correções e melhorias no módulo de compra e venda, melhorias nos testes de unidade e muito mais.
O Noosfero é utilizado por milhares de pessoas que participam das redes sociais do Portal Software Livre, do Centro de Competência em Software da USP (CCSL-USP), Portal e-Democracia, Portal de Blogs Blogoosfero, da rede social e de inteligência econômica do movimento de Economia Solidária no Brasil Cirandas, dentre muitos outras. O Noosfero é um Software Livre, desenvolvido em Ruby on Rails, sobre a GPLv3.
Aprenda a instalar o Noosfero no Debian 7.0 Wheezy ou no Ubuntu 12.10 usando o Nginx e o Phusion Passenger do Noosfero 0.40.0 de mudanças do Noosfero 0.40.0 "Fulani"
Adding delivery options for shopping cart
Adding new attributes to purchase order
Adding new author
Adding new fields to shopping_cart
Adding new indexes do schema
Adds default notice to disabled enterprise
Aggressive Indexing Strategy 3
Avoiding reidexing to stop due to some problem with a index
[catalog-categories] Adding base names_scopes on product and category
[catalog-categories] Adding categories on catalog's side bar and breadcrumb on top
[catalog-categories] Adding css class on highlighted product
[catalog-categories] Filtering products on catalog by category
Checkpoint: validated the idea of keeping the cart in an indepent cookie
creating author_id method in article class to return the author id when the author exists
Displaying product price multiplied by quantity instead of unit price
Do not redirect gest from restricted pages
Do not send email to comment author
Extract Method to encapsulate access to the cart
Finish fixing the tests.
Finish move to global scope; most tests broken
Finish moving everything to /plugins/shopping_cart
Fix cart cleaning with path-specific cookie
Fixing merge mistake
Fixing route to tasks when profile has its own domain
Fixing shopping cart links after typo correction
Fixing small mistakes on person profile_editor partial
Fixing some problems on Shopping Cart delivery
Fixing Spaminator to work in production.
Fixing tests for disabled enterprise message changing
Fix unit tests
Free delivery price for shopping_cart
Generic Settings for Plugins
Highlight the products in listing
ignore cache files in general
Logging Spaminator movements
Make sure well-behaved plugin cookies always pass through
Move JS code out of HTML template
Moving controller out of the profile scope
Moving shopping_cart settings from profiles table to settings
new users should create person with name equals to user name not user login
Not needed to import colorbox.css explicitly
Order products on shopping cart list alphabetically
Passing only product to asset_product_extras hotspot
Remove catch-all rescue clause
Remove embarassing debug print
Removing Set-Cookie from headers if it is empty
Removing trailing whitespaces
Removing wrong index and adding others
Review INSTALL file
Small fixes on spanish translation
StoaPlugin invitation checking for user usp_id instead of profile
Testing article approval with an article that has a nil author
Testing product status is added on the element class
Testing side bar category links and breadcrumb links
Updating spanish translation
Updating translations
Use the appropriate API for deleting a cookie
PSL-Brasil - Noosfero 0.40.0 "Fulani" - Software Livre
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